Pet died.
Lost Dog Rufus Near NUS - Call 8323 7926! - photo

Lost Dog Rufus Near NUS - Call 8323 7926!

Kent Ridge Road

Missing dog. Last seen near Kent Ridge Road,NUS area. If seen, pls give me a call at 8323 7926. He is a very timid dog, goes by the name of Rufus. He has a blue collar and dog tag on him.

Owner's review of Pet911

Got into an accident
The user has hidden the phone number

How you can help

Kent Ridge Road
Listing number
Pet's gender
Sun, 28.01.2024
Sun, 28.01.2024

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets Singapore
Listing sgl000151 posted on Facebook Singapore - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 28 January 2024, reply

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