Lost Green Parrot in Hougang - Help Find Him! - photo

Lost Green Parrot in Hougang - Help Find Him!

Hougang Avenue 5, 327, Singapore

Male, medium size Green Parrot about 12 inches (1 foot) in size. Missing on 30 Jun around 4pm at Hougang Neighbourhood Park (Hougang Ave 5). Please contact me immediately if you have seen him or have any information about his whereabouts. Any help in bringing him back home would be deeply appreciated. Contact Information: Eric Goh 98793456 ericecgoh@yahoo. Com Thank you for your kindness and assistance.

How you can help

Hougang Avenue 5, 327, Singapore
Listing number
Pet's gender
Thu, 04.07.2024
Sun, 30.06.2024
Owner name
Eric Goh

Comments 1

Lost and Found Pets Singapore
Listing sgl000639 posted on Facebook Singapore - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats
Published: 05 July 2024, reply

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